Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Room to explore

About 2 years ago i got my first DSLR. I have loved photography for a long time, probably stemming from my dad’s love of being behind the lens and the beautiful images from my childhood that he captured and are now treasured. I was given a Kodak Advantix for my 18th birthday... you know the ones where you just drop the film in and then it sorts it out for you. I was so pleased with it! My own camera! It came on camping trips and to murder mystery parties and before long I had boxes and boxes of pictures.Then when I turned 21 I was given my first digital camera and that was it.. me hooked! As the years went on my Nikon Coolpix and I shared a lot of times together, big memories, like our move to Long Island and the road trips to Washington and Niagara Falls. The Nikon recorded the trips back home for weddings and Andy’s graduation and provided memories for me to hold when I returned to being 3500 miles away from family and friends.

Anyway, to cut a very long story short, whilst I loved my Nikon with all my heart,  I found I wanted more. I was ready to explore more with my photography... along came the Canon 400D... and it makes my heart sing! It goes everywhere with me. In the past 2 years there have probably only been 2 or 3 days when it has not been by my side. And finally I could explore. And with that has come my abstracts. I just love playing and creating and letting the camera see what it wants to see. I know a lot of people don’t really get it. Can’t see what they are meant to be looking at. Think its not artistic because it was created in a few seconds. Or just don’t like abstract stuff anyway. Which is completely fine, its not for everyone. But for me its about letting go. About being free and capturing a moment, a feeling. Most of them involve me jumping around or dancing in the sunshine. Letting go, giving up creative control and allowing the camera to show me what is there. I love the mystery in them too, that only I know the moment that the image is talking about. I love that others may see their own moment in the image or their own emotions. They leave room for others to explore too. See what they want to see. 

So what do you think... have I tempted you to give it a go for yourself? 


Unknown said...

first...."murder mystery parties"...they sound like fun!

i'm not an abstract sort of person BUT you are really making me rethink that with this post. i like the idea of letting go of control and letting the camera show you what's good. i have never thought about it that way.


amani said...

I wish If I can take the third image and print it on a fabric lol to make it a lovely dress

Suvarna said...

Jodi, these are fabulous! your love of photography really shines through with these.

ELK said...

abstract is so lovely ~ elk

Jac said...

It's amazing how much a camera can take over your life! I've had mine a little over a year and I've used it so much, one of the best things i ever bought... I love your abstracts and how you can look at them and see your own version of what is there, it's always good to experiement and play, you've inspired me to have a play and see what i come up with!

daniela said...

you have a real talent for abstracts with a camera jodie. you are inspiring me to let go more...thank you!