The local Lions Club donated a trike to my husband AJ today. Yep they did and boy is he happy about it!! Can you tell by his face?!
As some of you know, a number of years ago AJ suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car crash. It was seriously touch and go but he fought and fought and fought and together we have fought through the last years. Its a very long story but to cut it short he has learned to walk and talk and laugh all over again. He has worked so very hard and I am so very proud of him. He still has many big struggles to contend with and one of them is to do with his balance. Riding a 'regular' bike has not been possible. Now we live in the middle of no-where... really we do!! Its a drive to the nearest shop. AJ cannot drive at the moment and so his independence is severely limited. Correction... Was severely limited!! After letters to the local Lions Club they very kindly agreed to donate AJ a trike. We just can't tell you how thrilled we are and how much of a difference this will make... local shop, here he comes!! (after some serious road safety lessons!!) Oh my goodness what a difference if he can go get a pint of milk himself! It may take a while to get to that point but I am telling you... we will get there!!
Just wanted to share our little excitement with you.